Eeeeeekkkk.... here goes........ We are excited to announce the new look "Sticker Shop" - YORKSHIRE LABEL CO. -
Brand new name, brand new logo and a brand new website. A fresh start.....
The Sticker Shop UK have had an upgrade and we have rebranded to Yorkshire Label Co. and our brand new website www.yorkshirelabelco.co.uk is live right now!!! So go have a browse and don’t forget to create an account and sign up 😉
You will still get the fantastic great service, the same incredible labels, the same great quality but with a whole upgraded range of storage solutions to create the ultimate storage goals in your home.....
So why have we decided to rebrand? Well… We wanted a business name & to build a brand that means more to us than just a name. Our old name was very generic (like seriously how many Sticker Shops are there in the UK, just search it) Our account grew so fast, we never really had the time to just slow down & actually think about our name.
Two and a half years down the line and our dreams have come true and we have finally got a name that not just means something to us, it represents us been a Yorkshire based business.
Love from all the team at Yorkshire Label Co. 💝